Father Movie
ដើម្បីកូន “FATHER” is a well-known film in Cambodia that reflects the struggle of a single father whose leg is paralyzed. Despite his leg condition, he tries his best to raise both of his children by delivering all kinds of stuff using his Cyclo to local markets and even carrying people after that, he picks up […]
Ghost Possession
The launch storyline Ghost Possessions of LD Entertainment Co.,LTD. was joined by many famous actors and content creators. We take a picture of the man possessed by the ghost is included in this poster because it is the important point of the story, while the imagery of the couple is intended to show the audience […]
Maly Movie
LD Entertainment Co.,LTD Production recently released a Seven Day Return story that received a lot of fan support. Designing the poster of Seven Day Return(May) is what the designers of our Kbeung try to design match to the concept of the story. We put the meaning of the story into the poster, that is, we put […]